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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

06-02 Extrasensory Perception

06-02 Extrasensory Perception

Q Are people that believe in ESP misguided? Is it right to ignore such seemingly preposterous claims? Is there any scientific evidence that supports these proposed ESP experiences?

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The topic of Extra Sensory Perception is controversial and the matter yet again boils down to belief and perceiving of things. ESP is also referred to as the sixth sense is mainly of four types. They are clairvoyance, telepathy, psychokinesis and precognition. I do not think that people who believe in ESP are misguided. The topic is a matter of research but there are numerous incidents and experience told by people who has this ability or those who have seen this first hand. Just because there is no scientific proof to it, people find it difficult to believe or even grasp the concept of ESP.